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Introduction: America, 1899. The end of the wild west era has begun as lawmen hunt down the last remaining outlaw gangs. Those who will not surrender or succumb are killed. After a robbery goes badly wrong in the western town of Blackwater, Arthur Morgan and the Van der Linde gang are forced to flee. With federal agents and the best bounty hunters in the nation massing on their heels, the gang must rob, steal and fight their way across the rugged heartland of America in order to survive. As deepening internal divisions threaten to tear the gang apart, Arthur must make a choice between his own ideals and loyalty to the gang who raised him. From the creators of Grand Theft Auto V and Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2 is an epic tale of life in America at the dawn of the modern age. |
Features: Weaponry: Detail, depth and choice define every aspect of Red Dead Redemption 2, and weapons are no exception. There are over 50 unique usable weapons, a massive range of options for customization, and a wide selection of different ammunition types to improve accuracy, range or damage. The more a gun is used, the better it will perform, but it will also start to degrade over time if not looked after, so a trusty sidearm needs to be kept oiled and clean. Weapon Choice & Customization: With a myriad of customization options ranging from visual upgrades like new metals, woods, varnishes and engravings to performance upgrades like new barrels, grips, sights and scopes, you can design an entirely unique weapon that looks and handles exactly the way you want it to. Every weapon’s performance varies in terms of damage, range, fire rate, accuracy and reload speed so it’s important to pick wisely depending on the situation. Dead Eye: Dead Eye is a powerful weapon of its own, temporarily slowing down time during combat so you can pick off your enemies with more precision. The new Dead Eye system gradually expands and becomes more sophisticated over the course of the game, from automatically selecting targets in your crosshairs, to allowing you to manually place shots on multiple targets, to being able to shoot at will in slow motion, and ultimately to pinpointing the weak spots on your enemies for even deadlier accuracy. The system grows with you and your experience and can often provide the critical edge in a life or death situation. In Action: The Bolt-Action Rifle is strong and versatile, with an ammo capacity of five rounds; an ideal choice for long-range combat with multiple targets. The Carbine Repeater is a reliable repeating rifle, with a solid firing rate and quick reload speed thanks to the tube-loaded magazine in the weapon’s stock. The Cattleman Revolver has an ammo capacity of six rounds and is a great all-around revolver with a good balance of damage, accuracy and fire rate. The high-powered Pump-Action Shotgun is a powerful weapon should you find yourself confronted by a wild beast or enemy in close combat. Wildlife: The diverse habitats and climates of Red Dead Redemption 2 are home to around 200 species of animals, birds and fish, all of which behave and respond to their environment in a unique way. Deer, bison and pronghorn traverse the plains in large herds, scavengers quickly sniff out carrion, sockeye salmon leap upstream, wolves attack in packs surrounding their prey, geese fly in fixed formations, possums play dead, rodents scamper into tree hollows, grizzly bears bluff charge when threatened, and birds of prey soar on thermals. They all form part of a complex ecosystem and must continually fight for their place on the food chain. The wilderness is at once a bountiful and perilous place, for both man and beast, and any predator can quickly turn prey. Hunting & Fishing: Hunting and fishing are essential skills for survival in the wilderness, providing food, materials and a source of income. A huge variety of fish swim the many rivers, lakes and streams, and selecting the right bait or lure is key to a successful day’s haul. Tracking an animal takes focus and patience; move carefully and watch the wind direction or you will alert your prey. Choice of weapon and shot placement are also very important and will affect the quality of the meat and pelt, which in turn affects the price that traders will pay for them. Make sure to pick the right gauge of rifle for the size of animal that you’re hunting, or master the use of the bow for a quiet and clean kill. Horses: There are 19 breeds of horse in Red Dead Redemption 2 from Appaloosas and Arabians to Shires to Mustangs, each of which handles differently with its own defined characteristics. Horses can be captured and broken out in the wild, purchased from stables or acquired by more underhanded means, of course. The Van der Linde Gang: A gang of outlaws, renegades and misfits, bonded together under the charismatic and idealistic Dutch van der Linde. They have chosen to live outside the law and now fear it may be catching up with them. Outlaws For Life! Dutch Van Der Linde - "They're chasing us hard, because we represent everything that they fear." The leader of a sizeable gang of outlaws and misfits. Idealistic, anarchic, charismatic, well-read, well-lived, but possibly starting to unravel under the pressures of the encroaching modern world. Hosea Matthews - "I wish I had acquired wisdom at less of a price." A master con artist, gentleman and thief, Hosea has been Dutch's closest friend and right-hand man for over twenty years. Intelligent and quick-witted, he can talk his way into, or out of, just about anything. Molly O’Shea - "you're playing a dangerous game." A Dublin girl and the object of Dutch’s affection, for now at least, Molly is too high-strung for a life on the run and it’s all starting to take a toll on her. Susan Grimshaw - "I swear half of you would just rot in your own filth, if nobody kept you in check." The undisputed boss and arbiter of justice in the camp, everything would have fallen apart years ago without Susan in charge. Tenacious and iron-willed, she stands for no nonsense. Pearson - "The people are happy and well fed. I think perhaps we'll be ok." The camp’s butcher and cook, Pearson served a short stint in the navy that he likes to talk about at length. A loud, jolly degenerate who is somewhat in denial about the turn his life has taken. Micah Bell - "I believe there's winners and losers... and nothing else besides." A career criminal and hitman. Wild and unpredictable but he lives for the action. Charles Smith - "The amount of hell we've raised, we're owed some back." A relatively recent recruit to the gang, Charles is quiet and reserved but extremely competent in everything he does and virtually unbeatable in a fight. A decent, honest man who also happens to be deadly. Bill Williamson - "Don't try anything stupid and we won't do anything unkind." An ex-soldier discharged from the army, possibly dishonorably. Hot headed, he tends to act first and think later but is tough, dedicated and always ready to fight. Leopold Strauss - "It's a nasty world out there, and it's catching up with us..." Originally hailing from Austria, Herr Strauss is responsible for keeping the gang’s books and running their money lending operation. A serious, somewhat shifty and unemotional man, he has all the qualities a loan shark needs. John Marston - "Guess about all I got left now is doubts. Doubts and scars." Once an orphaned street kid taken under Dutch's wing at the age of twelve, John has always had to live by his wits. Shrewd, fearless and strong-willed, he and Arthur are Dutch’s proudest protégés. Abigail Roberts - "If they so much as put one bruise on him I swear, I'll bring the fires of hell on them myself." An orphan who grew up scraping out a living in dive bars and brothels in the West, Abigail is a strong, straight-talking woman who has seen a lot of life and knows what it takes to survive against the odds. Jack Marston - "Did you catch the bad guys?" Young Jack has grown up with the gang, although everyone has done their best to shield him from the more nefarious elements, especially his mother Abigail. He loves everything about nature and the outdoor life, and is carefully watched over by his many aunts and uncles. Karen Jones - "Running scams, robbing banks, screwing over the rich and horrible." A consummate scam artist and trigger woman who can drink pretty much anybody under the table. Bold and full of fun, she loves the outlaw life and wouldn’t have it any other way. Javier Escuella - "If we have to fight, we fight. If we have to run, we'll run. If we must die, we'll die, but... We'll stay free." A notorious bounty hunter and Mexican revolutionary. Javier immediately had a strong connection to Dutch’s ideals. Very committed, passionate and loyal. Tilly Jackson - "Most of us grew up hungry and scared and alone, one way or another." An outlaw from the age of 12, Tilly ran with another gang before joining up with Dutch. Savvy, resilient and dependable, she can more than handle herself and isn’t afraid to speak her mind. Uncle - "People call me lazy. I'm not lazy. Just don't like working. There's a difference." A hanger-on and good-time guy, Uncle is always around when the whiskey is open and never around when there’s any work to be done. If he wasn’t so entertaining, Dutch would have cut him loose years ago. Mary-Beth Gaskill - "Gentlemen, I think I've got something good." A kind, good-natured young woman, which makes her the perfect criminal. By the time people realize they’ve been duped, Mary-Beth is already on her way home with the money. Lenny Summers - "Living free out here, Like this... I wouldn't have it any other way." Young Lenny has been on the run since he was 15 years old after killing the men who murdered his father. Smart, educated, competent and ambitious, he is always ready to do his part. Josiah Trelawny - "How can romance ever be silly? It's all we have." A flamboyant conjurer, conman and trickster, Trelawny is a very hard man to pin down but he’s always able to bring good leads. Reverend Swanson - "I had real suffering and I lost everything, my vocation, my faith, my family ..." An ex clergyman now lost to debauchery, Swanson has fallen a long way from the standards he once set himself. If he hadn’t saved Dutch’s life in the past, it’s unlikely the gang would have kept him around for this long. Sean MacGuire - "Just leave it to me. I can talk a dog off a meat wagon." A cocky young Irish thief and stick-up man who comes from a long line of criminals and political dissidents. He always wants a piece of the action and believes in himself…perhaps a little too much. Sadie Adler - "Nobody's taking nothing from me ever again." A widow who is hellbent on taking revenge upon those who killed her husband. Relentless and afraid of nothing and no one. The wrong woman to cross, but very loyal to those she loves. Arthur Morgan - "We're thieves in a world that don't want us no more." Dutch's most dependable and capable enforcer since he was a boy, the outlaw life is all Arthur has ever known. Sharp, cool-headed, and ruthless, but with his own sense of honor. A man who gets the job done. The Frontier, Cities & Towns: Discover some of the towns dotted across the vast and varied landscape of Red Dead Redemption 2; from the forests of West Elizabeth to the mountains of Ambarino to the plains of New Hanover to the swamps of Lemoyne. Valentine, The Heartlands, NH: A raucous, rough-and-tumble town in the Heartlands, Valentine’s livestock auctions attract traders, ranchers, cowboys, gamblers, outlaws and prostitutes from far and wide, all looking to make some money, raise some hell, and have a good time. Annesburg, Roanoke Ridge, NH: Life isn’t easy for the miners and their families in Annesburg, which has been providing coal up and down the Lannahechee River for almost a century. Working conditions are terrible for little pay, and many men have lost their lives down the pit. Saint Denis, Bayou NWA, LE: A key gateway into North America with a trade route that runs the length of the country, the bustling city of Saint Denis is a melting pot of cultures and people where businessmen, socialites, sailors, laborers, beggars and thieves all live side by side. Mount Hagen, Grizzlies, AM: One of the more well-known peaks in the snowy Grizzlies of Ambarino, Mount Hagen towers above Lake Isabella to the west and Beartooth Beck to the east, which provides the main pass through the western mountain range and joins up with the Dakota River further south. Rhodes, Scarlett Meadows, LE: Prim and proper on the surface, tensions and corruption run deep in the Southern town of Rhodes, which for years has been caught in the crossfire between the Braithwaites and the Grays, two warring plantation families. Strawberry, Big Valley, WE: Strawberry was little more than a small logging town until the arrival of its new mayor, an East Coast eccentric, who is obsessed with transforming it into a cultural beacon for wealthy tourists, much to the bemusement of the locals. Lagras, Bayou NWA, LE: A small, remote settlement out in the swamps of Bayou Nwa, Lemoyne, the people of Lagras live self-sufficiently for the most part, making a little money here and there from fishing and acting as guides for travelers wishing to navigate the region. Red Dead Redemption II - Special Edition Includes Exclusive Content for Story Mode: Bank Robbery Mission and Gang Hideout in Story Mode: Get exclusive access to a Bank Robbery Mission, in which Arthur and a couple of his fellow gang members come up with a daring plan to break in and rob the bank in the southern town of Rhodes. Elsewhere, the Del Lobos Gang has taken over a hacienda - clear this gang’s hideout and rob their stash for a lucrative take. Dappled Black Thoroughbred: This thoroughbred racehorse sporting a beautiful reverse-dappled black coat will keep you at the front of the pack with its exceptional speed and acceleration. You will also get the exclusive Nuevo Paraiso Saddle, handmade in dark chocolate leather with silver medallion detailing. This horse and saddle are available in Red Dead Redemption 2 Story Mode. Talisman and Medallion Gameplay Bonuses: These special Story Mode items will give Arthur a helping hand whenever they are equipped. Attaching the Eagle Talon Talisman to his boot, Arthur’s environmental awareness skill will last longer. By carrying the Iguana Scale in his personal Satchel, Arthur will take less damage while riding on horseback. Gameplay Boosts, Cash Bonuses & Discounts: This collection of exclusive Story Mode boosts, bonuses and discounts will help Arthur to survive out in the harsh wilderness and better provide for his gang members and their camp. The Core Stat boost benefits Arthur’s Stamina, Health and Dead Eye Cores. Earn more cash during robbery missions with the Van der Linde gang, and when hunting and selling animal carcasses. Receive discounts on all upgrades to the Van der Linde gang’s camp. The Nuevo Paraiso Gunslinger Outfit: This exclusive Story Mode outfit for Arthur is inspired by the clothing worn by vaqueros and banditos south of the border. The outfit features a wide brimmed black cowboy hat, deep indigo coat, worn denim chaps, leather gloves and boots. Free Access to Additional Weapons: A good range of weapons is essential for survival in the Old West. Get free access to three weapons at the in-game Gunsmiths in Story Mode: the robust Volcanic Pistol, devastating Pump Action Shotgun and versatile Lancaster Varmint Rifle. Also includes Exclusive Special Edition Printed Map. |
Specifications: Publisher: Rockstar Games Developer: Rockstar Studios Platform: Xbox One Release Date: 26/10/2018 Genre: Action / Adventure Rated: Mature (17+) > Blood & Gore > Intense Violence > Nudity > Sexual Content > Strong Language > Use of Drugs & Alcohol Players: 1; 2-32 Online |