Introduction: DASHING HEROES, DANGEROUS DAMES AND DEADLY DOGFIGHTS! Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge combines thrilling aerial combat with the swashbuckling style of a Hollywood action-adventure movie. Set in an alternate 1930s world of gunship diplomacy and sinister intrigue, Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge lets gamers pilot powerful aircraft against nefarious air pirates and behemoth war zeppelins. As the daring air pirate Nathan Zachary, leader of the infamous Fortune Hunters, players take off on a high-flying adventure, filled with daring escapes and damsels in distress. |
Features: Fully tricked-out war birds: Gamers can pilot 10 warplanes, armed to the teeth with detonator cannons, tesla guns, remote-controlled rockets, or a nimble gyro-copter. They can swoop and dive to elude bogeys just itching to take down the good guys. Flight school not required: Gamers command the air with ease, in the true spirit of combat flying. The thrilling gameplay in Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge focuses on the art of "shoot-'em-up" gameplay; no heavy flight manual is needed. Intense dogfights via Xbox Live: Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge empowers gamers to battle friends and foes alike, online, through the Xbox Live™ online game service. Gamers can experience multiple game modes, including head-to-head dogfighting and Capture the Flag. Multiple ways to complete missions: Exhilarating missions give gamers the freedom to accomplish goals, either from the cockpit of customizable planes or behind the twin barrels of antiaircraft guns on trains, zeppelins, and hover-copters. Great heroes, great rewards: A deep reward system turns every battle into an opportunity for fortune. Gamers can earn upgrades and new planes, including the new gyro-copter. |
Specifications: Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios Developer: FASA Studio Platform: Xbox Release Date: 31/10/2003 Genre: Action / Flight Rated: Teen (13+) > Suggestive Themes > Violence Players: 1-4; 1-16 System Link |