Introduction: GO TO HELL. An abducted soul, a lifetime of sins, a journey to the depths of despair. Dante’s Inferno is a third-person action adventure adaptation of the medieval epic poem The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri. The dark fiction gave birth to the Tuscan Italian dialect and is widely considered to have defined the western world’s contemporary conception of hell and purgatory. The poem tells the tale of Dante who journeys through the twisted, menacing nine circles of hell in pursuit of his beloved Beatrice. Written in the 14th Century, The Divine Comedy was published and read aloud in Italian (unlike the Bible), thereby making the poem accessible to the mass public. The poem delivers a striking and allegorical vision of the Christian afterlife and the punishments of hell. In part one, known as Dante’s Inferno, Dante traverses all nine circles of hell; limbo, lust, gluttony, greed, wrath, heresy, violence, fraud and treachery. Note: Game cover version may vary. |
Features: An Epic Adaptation of a Classic - Based on part one of Dante Alighieri's classic poem "The Divine Comedy," Dante's Inferno is a 3rd person action adventure game that takes Dante on an epic journey through Hell as he seeks to rescue the soul of his beloved Beatrice. The Nine Circles of Hell - Just like the poem, players will descend through Dante's unique nine circles of Hell: limbo, lust, gluttony, greed, anger, heresy, violence, fraud and treachery. Each circle features distinct environments, enemies and story elements befitting the sins committed by their inhabitants. Control the Beasts of Hell - Dante's Inferno features large scale beasts and bosses, some of which Dante will be able to fully tame, utilizing them to throw back Hell's wrath to its minions. Fast, Addictive, Responsive Combat - Dante fights through the nine circles armed with Death's Scythe and Beatrice's Holy Cross, with magic powers and a deep, customizable upgrade system helping the player take full advantage of a fast and fluid gameplay experience that will never run at lower than 60 frames per second. Bring Hell With You Wherever You Go - Dante's Inferno gives PSP owners the same level of fast, responsive gameplay through all nine detailed and unique circles of hell the team is aiming to achieve on the consoles. Visceral Games Stamp of Approval - From the award-winning studio that created the criticallyacclaimed Dead Space, Dante's Inferno will receive the same relentless focus on quality and polish Visceral Games has become known for. Be Righteous or Unholy - choose to punish or absolve the damned, affecting your character's abilities throughout the game. |
Specifications: Publisher: Electronic Arts Developer: Visceral Games Platform: PlayStation Portable Release Date: 26/02/2010 Genre: Action / Adventure Rated: Mature (17+) > Blood & Gore > Intense Violence > Nudity > Sexual Content Players: 1 |