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Introduction: Dare you return to Hogwarts? Be Harry Potter and unlock the mystery at the heart of the Chamber of Secrets. With dire warning from strange quarters and dark schemes afoot, Harry's second adventure will be every bit as magical - and as scary - as his first. But this time the spells are more amazing, the foes are more fearsome and Harry's friends are more important than ever. |
Features: Cutting-edge graphics bring Harry's world to life like never before. Go deeper into Harry's second adventure - a faithful representation of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets with greater magic control and more advanced spells. Featuring Wizard Duels, Quidditch Leagues, Powered up Spells, Quidditch and all your favourite characters, including Ron, Hermione and Gilderoy Lockhart! Take flight around Hogwarts - Hop on your Nimbus Two Thousand and explore the magic of Hogwarts and its ground like never before. Harry comes to life - His internal voice guides the player through the game. |
Specifications: Publisher: Electronic Arts Developer: Electronic Arts Platform: Nintendo GameCube Release Date: 15/11/2002 Genre: Action / Adventure Rated: Everyone (3+) > Violence Players: 1 |