Introduction: DISCOVER THE MAGIC OF HOGWARTS. Explore all of Hogwarts to recruit Dumbledore's Army, overthrow Umbridge and prepare to fight Voldemort and his Death Eaters. In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry returns for his fifth year of study at Hogwarts and discovers that much of the wizarding community has been denied the truth about the teenager’s recent encounter with the evil Lord Voldemort. Fearing that Hogwarts' venerable Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, is lying about the return of Voldemort in order to undermine his power, Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge appoints a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher to keep watch over Dumbledore and the students. But Professor Dolores Umbridge’s Ministry-approved course of defensive magic leaves the young wizards woefully unprepared to defend themselves against the dark forces threatening them and the entire wizarding community, so at the prompting of his friends Hermione and Ron, Harry takes matters into his own hands. Meeting secretly with a small group of students who name themselves “Dumbledore’s Army,” Harry teaches them how to defend themselves against the Dark Arts, preparing the courageous young wizards for the extraordinary battle that lies ahead. With the ability to play multiple characters, including Harry Potter, Dumbledore and Sirius Black, the videogame of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix offers fans the opportunity to wield a wand, explore all around Hogwarts, and experience one of the most exciting and dangerous years in the life of the Boy Who Lived. |
Features: Explore the Hogwarts from the movie and discover its magical secrets. Talk to the portraits, complete their missions and gain passwords for shortcuts around Hogwarts. The player can interact with virtually everything they come across, gain discovery points and unlock secrets in the Room of Rewards. The Ministry of Magic and the press have branded Harry a liar. Prove them wrong, and win the students of Hogwarts back by defeating the bullies and completing a variety of tasks to evade the dark forces. Find and recruit the members of Dumbledore’s Army. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix’s nonlinear gameplay allow the player to choose where they go, what they do and when they do it, within the magical surroundings of Hogwarts. Play the key moments from the movie, from the Dementor attack in Little Whinging to the ferocious battles at the Ministry of Magic. Experience the most authentic-to-the-movie game experience in Harry Potter videogame history: the castle is built from the same blueprints used to build the movie sets; actual movie assets were referenced to create a more authentic feel; many of the movie’s actors have been head scanned and contribute their actual character voices; and the key Harry Potter music theme can be heard in this videogame. Play as Sirius Black to protect Harry as you confront Bellatrix Lestrange and Lucius Malfoy in the Ministry of Magic. Play as Dumbledore in his momentous final confrontation with Voldemort. Or play as Lucius, Bellatrix and Voldemort in intense multiplayer action. Connect up-to six players and compete in magical combat in Hogwarts and the Ministry of Magic. Unlock multiplayer modes, locations, characters and spells as you progress through the game. |
Specifications: Publisher: Electronic Arts Developer: EA Games Platform: PlayStation Portable Release Date: 29/06/2007 Genre: Action / Adventure Rated: Everyone (10+) > Fantasy Violence Players: 1; 2-6 Wireless |