Introduction: Have ye got what it takes? An epic adventure beyond your wildest dreams, Shigeru Miyamoto's latest masterpiece is an incredible gaming experience, like nothing you have ever seen before. Ganondorf, the evil King of Thieves, is on the move, threatening the peaceful land of Hyrule. He is determined to steal his way into the legendary Sacred Realm in hopes of harnessing the power of the mythical Triforce. As the young hero Link, it is your destiny to thwart Ganondorf’s evil schemes. Navi, your guardian fairy, will guide you as you venture through the many regions of Hyrule from the volcanic caves of Death Mountain to the treacherous waters of Zora’s Domain. Before you complete this epic quest, you’ll delve into deadly dungeons, collect weapons of great power and learn the spells you need to conquer the most irresistible force of all-time. |
Features: The immersive storyline and environments draw players into an amazing 3D world. Play as both young and adult Link, each with his own set of useable items and weapons. New "Z-targeting" system allows players to lock on to their opponents. Incredibly powerful graphics that push the capabilities of the Nintendo 64 to the limit. Explore the land of Hyrule on foot or by horse. Use several weapons to defeat your enemies including the Bow & Arrow, the Megaton Hammer, the Boomerang, and more. Up to three games can be saved simultaneously to memory! |
Specifications: Publisher: Nintendo Developer: Nintendo Platform: Nintendo 64 / N64 Release Date: 12/11/1998 Genre: Action / Adventure Rated: Everyone (3+) / G8+ Players: 1 |