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Kirby’s Extra Epic Yarn (3DS)(New)

Rating: 5/5
Availability:in stock 1 item(s)
Product Code:045496477967

Product Dimensions and Weight

Product Length: 140.0000MM
Product Width: 130.0000MM
Product Height: 20.0000MM
Product Weight: 110.0000G
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Good-Feel / HAL Laboratory
Platform: Nintendo 3DS
Release Date: 08/03/2019
Genre: Action / Adventure / Platformer
Rated: Everyone (3+) > Mild Cartoon Violence
Players: 1

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Kirby's been tangled up in an enchanted world of yarn!

The hit Wii game Kirby’s Epic Yarn is warping to Nintendo 3DS. Every stage in the original Wii version is stitched in, but this Nintendo 3DS version has some new features, like the ability to craft bigger yarn balls, summon bead-collecting wind and play two new modes featuring familiar faces King Dedede and Meta Knight.

One ticked-off sorcerer just banished Kirby, warping the poor puffball to a yarn world in need of saving. The twist? Having a yarn body is epic! Kirby can transform into knitted wonders like tanks and flying saucers. Plus, his new ravel abilities mimic his classic copy abilities, adding something new to every stage of this action-adventure game!

Every stage in the original Wii version is stitched in but this Nintendo 3DS version has some new features.

Get the ability to craft bigger yarn balls, summon bead-collecting wind and a new speed-run mode.

A new Devlish mode difficulty.

Playable only in 2D.

Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Good-Feel / HAL Laboratory
Platform: Nintendo 3DS
Release Date: 08/03/2019
Genre: Action / Adventure / Platformer
Rated: Everyone (3+) > Mild Cartoon Violence
Players: 1


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