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Dungeons & Dragons - Essentials KitDungeons & Dragons - Essentials KitDungeons & Dragons - Essentials Kit

Dungeons & Dragons - Essentials Kit (New)

Rating: 5/5
Availability:in stock 4 item(s)
Product Code:630509861798 / 9780786966837

Product Dimensions and Weight

Product Length: 260.0000MM
Product Width: 260.0000MM
Product Height: 80.0000MM
Product Weight: 1100.0000G
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
Release Date: 03/09/2019
Genre: Tabletop Game
Ages: 12+
Play Time: 60 minutes
Players: 2-6

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Everything you need to create characters and play the new adventures in this introduction to the world’s greatest roleplaying game.

Dungeons & Dragons is a cooperative storytelling game that harnesses your imagination and invites you to explore a fantastic world of adventure, where heroes battle monsters, find treasures, and overcome quests. The D&D Essentials Kit is a new introductory product meant to bring D&D to audiences interested in jumping into a fantasy story.

This box contains the essentials you need to run a D&D game with one Dungeon Master and one to five adventurers. A newly designed rulebook on-boards players by teaching them how to make characters, and the included adventure, Dragon of Icespire Peak, introduces a new 1-on-1 rules variant.

About Dungeons & Dragons:

An innovator in providing contemporary fantasy entertainment, Dungeons & Dragons is the wellspring for the entire modern game industry, digital as well as tabletop. Fifth edition D&D draws from every prior edition to create a universally compelling play experience, and exemplifies the true spirit of a game that holds captive the hearts and minds of millions of players worldwide.

Take your first step into the world of Dungeons & Dragons, or get a more expansive D&D experience after playing the Starter Set.

Play with groups as small as two players (one Dungeon Master & one adventurer) for the first time in D&D fifth edition with the introduction of “sidekicks.”

Battle and plunder your way through Phandalin in the all new D&D adventure, Dragon of Icespire Peak.

Experience the thrill of being a Dungeon Master behind a four-panel DM screen with at-a-glance game rules for quick and easy reference.

Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set Includes:

64-page rulebook that teaches how to create characters of levels 1–6 and play the game. Includes the introduction of sidekick rules
Dragon of Icespire Peak, a 64-page introductory adventure
Double-sided poster map for use with the Dragon of Icespire Peak adventure (21” x 15”)
Four-panel, folding Dungeon Master’s screen (33" × 8.5")
6 blank character sheets
11 polyhedral dice
81 cards describing magic items, sidekicks, and other D&D game elements, plus a folding box to hold all the cards
Codes for D&D Beyond, the official digital toolset for D&D

Welcome, Adventurer!:

Your journey to the fantasy worlds of Dungeons & Dragons starts here.

D&D is a cooperative storytelling game that harnesses your imagination and invites you to explore a fantastic world of adventure, where heroes battle monsters, find treasures, and overcome quests.

This box contains the essentials you need to play a D&D game with one Dungeon Master and one to five adventurers.

Take on the Dragon of Icespire Peak:

If you’re just getting started with D&D or you’re ready to take the next step after the Starter Set, the Essentials Kit is for you.

Explore new quests, stock up on magical items, and defeat the fearsome dragon in a brand-new D&D adventure! And don’t worry about getting lost—the double-sided poster map will keep you right on track.

Play with Groups as Small as Two Players:

New "sidekick" rules let you play D&D with just a Dungeon Master and one adventurer by allowing townspeople, animals, or other creatures to join you on your quest.

Weave Legendary Stories:

The Essentials Kit gives you everything you need to get started—just bring your creativity! Roll out the double-sided poster map, set up the four-panel, folding Dungeon Master’s screen, and start telling your story.

Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
Release Date: 03/09/2019
Genre: Tabletop Game
Ages: 12+
Play Time: 60 minutes
Players: 2-6


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