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World WondersWorld WondersWorld Wonders

World Wonders (New)

Rating: 5/5
Availability:in stock 1 item(s)
Product Code:850039564383

Product Dimensions and Weight

Product Length: 260.0000MM
Product Width: 260.0000MM
Product Height: 80.0000MM
Product Weight: 1500.0000G
Publisher: Arcane Wonders
Release Date: 2023
Genre: Board Game
Ages: 14+
Play Time: 70 minutes
Players: 1-5

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The greatest leaders from the ancient world are ready to pay all the gold they had to built the most glorious city of all times.

It’s your duty choose wisely what constructions and wonderful monuments fits better in your map. This will increase your resource production and attract many people, what will make your population grow. But, look carefully at your opponent’s plans: perhaps they are wanting the same builds you are.

In the end, the one who has more victory rings will be declared the winner and the builder of the biggest city of the Antiquity!

Take on the role of the great leaders of the past to build your own Ancient City.

Each player will use their Gold each round to build tiles that will increase their city’s economy. A city that produces more food and generates commerce brings more population. Make your city grow!

There are 5 types of buildings, and each of them provides a type of resource that will make your city evolve from a simple settlement to the largest city in the world. If your buildings are completely enclosed from all sides, you’ve created a very well-planned city block. This will earn you a lot of points.

To place new buildings to your city, you will also need a lot of roads. Adjacency with roads will allow you to place buildings further away from the map. This will reach natural resources, which in addition to other benefits, bring victory points.

As important as the buildings, are its monuments and wonders tokens. This will bring you a lot of victory points, but will consume all your Gold. Be wise in choosing when and where to place it. Each monument requires buildings, roads, natural resources or even water in its adjacency to be placed. It won’t be easy to fit them into your city, but the benefits will be great.

If your Gold runs out, your turn is also over. Once all players have spent their Gold, a new round will begin and new buildings and roads will be available to everyone.

In the end, as soon as a player reaches the maximum population limit, the leader of the best city in the ancient world will be the winner of World Wonders!

World Wonders Includes:

1 Main Board
5 Resource Boards
3 Player Aid Boards
5 Map Boards
21 Wooden Monuments
10 Wooden Towers
25 Wooden Resource Markers
5 Wooden Player Markers
2 Wooden Turn Order Pedestals
21 Monument Cards
14 Solo Play Cards
80 Building Tiles
5 Loan Tiles
35 Long Road Tiles
20 Sets of Short Road Tiles
1 Rulebook

Publisher: Arcane Wonders
Release Date: 2023
Genre: Board Game
Ages: 14+
Play Time: 70 minutes
Players: 1-5


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