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Viticulture - Essential EditionViticulture - Essential EditionViticulture - Essential Edition

Viticulture - Essential Edition (New)

Rating: 5/5
Availability:in stock 3 item(s)
Product Code:748252980618

Product Dimensions and Weight

Product Length: 200.0000MM
Product Width: 170.0000MM
Product Height: 90.0000MM
Product Weight: 1500.0000G
Publisher: Stonemaier Games
Release Date: 2013
Genre: Board Game
Ages: 14+
Play Time: 45-90 minutes
Players: 1-6

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Create the most prosperous winery in Italy from the Tuscan vineyard you've inherited.

Old-world Tuscany awaits your winemaking skill and strategic cunning. You’ll plant vines, harvest grapes, age wines, and fill merchant orders to create the greatest winery in Italy!

In Viticulture, you find yourself in rustic, pre-modern Tuscany, where you’ve inherited a meager vineyard. You own a few plots of land, an old crush pad, a tiny cellar, a few workers…and the dream of owning the best winery in Italy.

Your job is to allocate your workers and helpful visitors to complete various tasks throughout the year. Each season is different on a vineyard, so the workers have different tasks they can take care of in the summer and winter. There’s competition over those tasks, and often the first worker to arrive at each one has an advantage over the rest.

Viticulture is a worker-placement game in which you improve your vineyard by building structures, planting vines, and attracting visitors, then harvest grapes, turn them into wine, and filling wine orders as you work towards the goal of owning the most successful winery in Tuscany.

BUILD YOUR VINEYARD: Create the most prosperous winery in Italy from the Tuscan vineyard you’ve inherited in this worker placement wine-making game.

ASSIGN TASKS TO YOUR WORKERS: Every season is different on a vineyard, so the workers have different tasks they can take care of in the summer and winter. There's competition over those tasks, and often the first worker to get to the job has an advantage over subsequent workers.

GOALS: Using those workers and visitors, the vineyard owners can expand their vineyards by building structures, planting vines, and filling wine orders, working towards the goal of running the most successful winery in Tuscany.

HIGHLY VARIABLE: Visitors are willing to help out around the vineyard when they visit as long as you assign a worker to take care of them. Their visits (in the form of cards) are brief but can be very helpful.

BEAUTIFULLY DESIGNED AND ILLUSTRATED: Designed by Jamey Stegmaier (Scythe) and Alan Stone (Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia). Illustrated by Jacqui Davis (Cubitos), David Montgomery, and Beth Sobel (Wingspan).

ESSENTIAL EDITION: Includes the base game of Viticulture along with a few mini expansions like Mamas & Papas, Fields, expanded and revised Visitors, Automa cards, and a few minor rule changes from the original version.

THEMATICALLY DESIGNED MECHANISMS: As each year turns, your wine gains value as it ages. Use irrigation and trellises to plant grapes in your fields, and turn those grapes into wine.

Viticulture - Essential Edition Includes:

1 Game Board
6 Vineyard Mats
42 Vine Cards
36 Wine Order Cards
38 Summer Visitor Cards
38 Winter Visitor Cards
18 Field Cards
24 Automa Cards
36 Pink and Blue cards
30 Wooden Worker Meeples
6 Wooden Grande Worker Meeples
48 Glass Grape and Wine Tokens
6 Wooden Wake-up Tokens
6 Wooden Victory Point Tokens
6 Wooden Residual Payment Tokens
48 Wooden Structure Tokens
72 cardboard Lira Coins
1 First-player Token
1 Rulebook

Publisher: Stonemaier Games
Release Date: 2013
Genre: Board Game
Ages: 14+
Play Time: 45-90 minutes
Players: 1-6


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