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Starship CaptainsStarship CaptainsStarship Captains

Starship Captains (New)

Rating: 5/5
Availability:in stock 1 item(s)
Product Code:8594156310653

Product Dimensions and Weight

Product Length: 260.0000MM
Product Width: 260.0000MM
Product Height: 80.0000MM
Product Weight: 2400.0000G
Publisher: Czech Games Edition
Release Date: 2022
Genre: Board Game
Ages: 12+
Play Time: 25 minutes/player
Players: 1-4

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Hailing all Starship Captains! Get ready to embark on a maiden voyage through the cosmos!

Welcome aboard and congrats on the promotion! Your "new" starship is ready to embark on its first big voyage. Just scrape off some of the rust and she’ll do fine. And that crew? Might look a little green around the edges, but they’re your crew now. Make us proud.

The stars are calling, and adventure awaits!

Explore a galaxy full of dangerous pirates and interplanetary missions, as you manage, train, and promote your crew to improve their diverse skills. Then harness the power of cool alien technology to help your crew tackle goofy missions through the stars and beyond.

Settle into the captain’s chair of your very first star cruiser and get ready to embark on an exciting voyage through the depths of space in this euro-style action selection and engine building game for 1-4 players.

The vibrant galaxy holds many peculiar mysteries to explore and uncover! Skillfully manage your team of cadets, ensigns, androids, and officers to make the most of their unique abilities—all while balancing essential ship roles, completing unique missions, and upgrading your ship with powerful engine-building alien technology.

Do you have what it takes to deftly command your crew and become the best captain in the cosmos? We’ll see.

Starship Captains Includes:

1 Double-sided main board
1 Central tech board
3 Double-sided faction tracks
4 Ship boards
4 Double-sided tech-slot boards
12 Faction markers (in 4 player colors)
4 Cardboard ship figures
50 Mission cards
2 Station cards
62 Tech cards
11 Event cards
7 Solo-game action cards
6 Solo-game passenger cards
3 Solo-game event cards
54 Plastic ensign figures (in 3 colors)
12 Plastic cadet figures
8 Plastic android figures
20 Plastic promotion rings
16 Triangle tiles
32 Damage tokens
27 Artifact tokens
30 Pirate ship tokens
18 Medal tokens
3 Faction trophy tokens
1 Starting player marker
1 Rulebook
1 Score pad
4 Quick reference sheets

Publisher: Czech Games Edition
Release Date: 2022
Genre: Board Game
Ages: 12+
Play Time: 25 minutes/player
Players: 1-4


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