Introduction: Follow the CATAN Team on its tour through northern India. As part of the April 2015 Rickshaw Run rally, 10 people from CATAN, Mayfair and Kosmos traveled more than 2700km at the mercy of India’s legendary traffic—in 4 rickshaws—raising money as they went. They started in Jaisalmer, Rajistan and 12 days later they arrived in Shilong, Meghalaya. Based on their tour this scenario was created. The sale of this scenario supports the work of Childaid Network. Note: This scenario is not a stand alone game. You also need the cards and figures from the base game. |
Features: The game follows the usual Settlers of Catan rules with three major differences: Settlements and roads may only be built on marked spaces. Victory point chits are put on some crossing points marked on the map; they are claimed by the first player who builds a road there. Special Rickshaw Run streets which give additional victory points. |
Specifications: Publisher: Catan Studio Release Date: 2015 Genre: Board Game Ages: 10+ Play Time: 45-75 minutes Players: 3-6 |