Introduction: Premium dice for the world's greatest roleplaying game. The wild and wonderful Witchlight Carnival travels from world to world, bringing the magic of the Feywild with it. Before you get your ticket, grab the right dice for the occasion. Something Wicked This Way Comes: Pass through the silvery mist and into the Feywild—a place of wonder and whimsy ruled by unfettered emotion. With strange customs, fantastical creatures, uncanny bends in time and space, and colorful characters as capricious as they are charming—in the Plane of Faerie, you should expect the unexpected. The First Feywild Adventure: The first official Dungeons & Dragons adventure to be set primarily in the Feywild—The Wild Beyond the Witchlight is an enchanting, frolicsome adventure for characters levels 1–8. Alternatives to Combat for Every Encounter: One of the many novelties of this adventure is that the characters can accomplish their goals without resorting to combat—but only if they're clever. They can fight their way through the adventure as well, but the odds won't always be in their favor. Rewarding both brains and brawn—characters receive experience points for achieving milestones rather than defeating monsters. Roll these ice cool dice for the world’s greatest roleplaying game. |
Features: 11 dice (two d20s, one d12, two d10s, one d8, four d6s, one d4). Player-friendly foldout map of the Witchlight Carnival (10.5” × 15.75”). 19 cards with descriptions and illustrations of the carnival’s characters, creatures, games, and more. Durable, felt-lined box that functions as two dice trays. |
Specifications: Publisher: Wizards of the Coast Release Date: 2021 Genre: Dice |